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"Earth took her shining station as a star, In Heaven's dark hall, high up the crowd of worlds."
Philip James Bailey

Parent/Child Sun Signs

The Sun


This is a series of short introductory articles looking at some ways in which the influences of the various signs might manifest in a child and later on as a parent.


Image of Virgo

Children born with the Sun sign of Virgo have a discriminative and careful approach to life. They are often serious, caring and concerned, and prefer the security of a stable routine to order their day. They set high standards and can be perfectionists, therefore if they have to accept something that seems less than perfect to them, it can at first be a little disheartening. Virgo is essentially the sign of astuteness and selectivity, and it can give an inherent love of neatness and order. Children of this sign are conscientious and painstaking and can attend to work which requires attention to detail. Meticulous planning comes easily to them and a job well done is a source of great satisfaction. However, they can be somewhat critical of themselves and others, and this is something the parents of a little Virgo may need to watch.

The Virgo child is often quiet, thoughtful and studious. Many will in later years choose to undertake extensive studies, and there is sometimes a particular interest in scientific or cultural subjects. The order and structure of school life usually suits these children. They are the ones who ask lots of questions, make careful notes, and help to tidy up, so they are apt to be liked by their teachers. They also tend to make friends quite easily, so for most Virgoans, school is mostly a pleasant and happy experience. Although they may do well in their education, many will not choose the academic life, as stage screen or the sporting arena attracts their interest.

These are very questioning souls. They like to have things explained properly, and to know exactly what is expected of them. These children may not want to take the lead, but prefer to take direction from their more dominant peers or from adults. They are wonderful observers of everything around them - seldom will they miss an opportunity to explore something that intrigues them.

Virgo confers diligence and industriousness. There can be a dislike of compromise, and so children here can become absorbed in the frets and worries of daily life. For this reason, it would be helpful to encourage them to have several hobbies and pastimes to occupy their time and thought. Some form of productive creativity is favoured by many, whilst others are more drawn to research or study. Often, young Virgoans will exhibit a love of nature and growing things, and many will want to have pets to take care of. It is also true to say that from a very young age, many people of this sign derive a great deal of satisfaction from doing things for others.

A quality associated with the sign of Virgo is indecisiveness. Children here may vacillate for quite some time before they are sure they have made an appropriate decision. Even when they have done so, they can worry if it is the right one. Often this is because they are so investigative. It would be helpful to encourage the Virgo child to balance the analytical side of their nature with a little resoluteness and to praise them when they succeed. It is perhaps this tendency to worry that can sometimes affect their health. For example, if they are upset, then digestive troubles can be a problem or they could become physically exhausted. Motivating the young Virgo to take exercise or to participate in sporting activities can be very beneficial not only to their overall well-being, but to their self-esteem and confidence too.

Virgoan adults make diligent and careful parents. In particular, they will encourage their sons and daughters to spend their time productively and usually they are happy to help them with their school work or handicrafts. One thing they may have to be aware of though is that their standards may be a little too high and so unattainable. It is important to keep things in perspective and to set realistic and reachable goals and aspirations. Perhaps in particular, the love of neatness can make for some difficulties for Virgo mothers. With family life, they may have to accept and enjoy a slightly less tidy but far more snug and loving environment.

Virgoans are unlikely to embark upon parenthood without due consideration and forethought. Their patience and fortitude come to the fore when they are with their offspring and in particular they may be keen to encourage their children's intellectual development. Virgoans make good parents, and the attention and concern that they give to their family is more often than not very much appreciated and valued by their children.

Image of The Sun and Stars