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"The earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall see the results of that love."
Sitting Bull

Parent/Child Sun Signs

The Sun


This is a series of short introductory articles looking at some ways in which the influences of the various signs might manifest in a child and later on as a parent.


Image of Gemini

Children born with the Sun-sign of Gemini have a restless curiosity; a deep inner need to know, to understand and to learn. They always seem to be looking for new experiences, and are more than capable of coping with several things at a time. The love of variety is strong, and so these children do not enjoy being forced to stay at one occupation for long periods. Their quick, agile minds seem unable to be still for a moment, so they can be easily distracted. It might therefore be helpful to encourage them to develop their concentration and steadfastness. They may also need to cultivate consistency of effort, as there is a tendency to move on to new interests before finishing those already begun. It is good for them to have some structure in their interests, or too many could be taken on.

Finding an outlet for this restlessness can be challenging as the Gemini child needs much mental stimulation. The versatility and diversity of their interests can be tremendous, especially when they are allowed the freedom to explore the subjects and topics which attract their attention. It is for this reason that the discipline of school may not be enjoyed, as it may feel too restricting. At the same time, they do enjoy learning, and gathering information, but at their own pace, and in the subjects which particularly interest them.

The Gemini child has a wonderment of life which can be a joy to watch unfold. They will want to know everything, and are likely to ask questions constantly to satisfy this curiosity. Their minds are open and receptive, and so many mental and intellectual interests and pursuits are likely to be embraced as the years progress. Life revolves around thoughts and ideas, and they seem to have an innate talent for handling many things at once.

The verbal skills of Gemini children can be pronounced from an early age - in fact many start to talk well before others of their age group. As they grow, their mischievous side can come to the fore and many enjoy nothing better than entertaining their friends in the school playground by mimicking their elders and teachers. They make friends easily - usually they are the ones to initiate a conversation. There is in the Gemini child a need to share and discuss ideas, thoughts and plans. They like to know they are understood and so will demand the attention of those around them. It is also beneficial for these children to grasp what is going on in their surroundings, so they will appreciate things being carefully explained and expounded.

Books, ideas, conversations and trips can all stimulate their bright and lively imagination, as Gemini confers a love of variety and change. Many children here have good manual dexterity and so may enjoy some form of handicraft. This can give practical expression to their fertile minds. They may also find that sports and outdoor pursuits are a good way to channel their energy and enthusiasm. Short journeys and visits to places of interest may also satisfy the need for a varied agenda.

These children may always seem to be in a hurry - there is so much they want to see, explore, understand and experience. Sleep, therefore, can sometimes be a bit of a problem for them. Establishing a regular and quiet bedtime routine may help, as can providing a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Gemini adults may initially need a little time to adapt to parenthood, but once they do, they make good and innovative mothers and fathers. Perhaps the first year or so can be the most difficult, as babies cannot say what is troubling them. As the child grows, and so is able to convey their needs and wishes, the Gemini parent can really shine. Their adaptability and faculty for communication win through and they can establish a good rapport with them. Their own wide interests can foster the awakening curiosity of the child, and they will be able to give a myriad of books, experiences and ideas to their children.

These are parents who enjoy reading to young children, and will enjoy teaching them things and introducing new ideas to them. Taking them on trips and outings will also be enjoyed. The Geminian need to communicate is strong, and so an intellectual harmony, and a deep friendship is usually sought. It is important that they also take the time to listen to what their children are really saying, as sometimes, in their haste to excite and please their children, what their sons and daughters actually want may be overlooked. However, Geminians make progressive parents. They keeping up to date with current trends, and are able to adjust and adapt to the fashions and enthusiasms of the time.

Image of The Sun and Stars