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"The reason why the universe is eternal is that it does not live for itself, it gives life to others as it transforms."
Lao Tzu

Parent/Child Sun Signs

The Sun


This is a series of short introductory articles looking at some ways in which the influences of the various signs might manifest in a child and later on as a parent.


Image of Pisces

Children born with the Sun-sign of Pisces have particularly vivid imaginations. These are the dreamers and visionaries of the zodiac, and in fact, it can sometimes appear that these little ones seem to live in a world of their own making. This world of make-believe can be quite real to them. They love stories, and will enjoy fables, fantasies and tales of heroic adventure. However, when young, it might be wise not to over-stimulate them, especially before bedtime, or they may have difficulty in settling down to sleep.

Pisces is also an exceptionally creative and artistic sign. It confers an innate appreciation of colour, music and movement. The more outlets for self-expression these children are encouraged to develop, the better. Drawing, painting and making things will appeal to many of them, whilst others will prefer to be involved with music. Learning a musical instrument or singing can often be a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Their natural grace often lead these little ones into such flowing physical activities as dancing, skating or gymnastics. Even so, from time to time they may have difficulty in concentrating, as their mind skips from one subject to another.

The Piscean child is deeply sensitive. They can be acutely influenced by their environment and by the people around them. Because of this, they can absorb the emotional states of their companions. There can be a tendency for Piscean children to follow the crowd, and so it will be helpful to encourage them to develop discrimination and to learn to say "no" when the situation demands it. To bring out their best side, give them plenty of encouragement to be themselves and not to mirror others. It is important that they learn from early on in their lives to be positive and optimistic, and this will help protect them from the rough and tumble of daily life.

Children born with the Sun here are innately kind and gentle. They are unlikely to respond well to a strict or over academic school. They do, however need huge amounts of love and affection in order to feel secure. The more praise and encouragement they receive from their loved ones, the more they will blossom and flourish. The Piscean compassion and sensitivity to suffering is legendary, as is the desire to help and foster. From an early age, these are tender-hearted little souls, and they can be easily moved to tears if they see a bird or animal in distress. Pets are extremely good for these children, as it gives them the opportunity to express their inherent nurturing instincts.

A quiet home-life will best suit these youngsters. They dislikes confrontation, and can be especially vulnerable to any upset or discord they perceive in their environment. At the same time, there is a need for them to strengthen their confidence in themselves and their abilities, and many will have to consciously learn how to assert their own needs. The duality of this sign can be expressed through a simultaneous longing for a wide range of experiences, alongside a hankering for peace and security. It can be helpful to encourage some quiet times during each day, when calm, low-key activities can be enjoyed. Being on or near the sea can be extremely beneficial and restorative.

Piscean adults make understanding and caring parents. They usually have deeply nurturing instincts, and an immense enjoyment in rearing their young. They can identify with their children - no matter what their ages or level of development. One of their most beneficial parental strengths is their inborn empathy. They can be profoundly tolerant and non-judgemental, and this tends to bring out the best in their youngsters. They have the capacity to shower their children with unconditional love, and seldom can they be cross with them for any length of time - they are too willing to forgive and forget for that.

They are extremely kind parents, but they can find disciplining their offspring quite taxing. Any form of correction - even verbal - may be difficult for them to impose. For this reason, their children can sometimes get away with more that perhaps is good for them. Piscean parents are inclined to worry, and with the best intentions, some tend to pamper and spoil their children. Having said this, they do make an excellent connection with them, and this can more than make up for any seeming lack of discipline or direction. An openness to, acceptance of, and trust in life are characteristics often accentuated in Pisceans. They can give their children a secure, warm and loving upbringing, and often a wonderfully artistic background in which to thrive.

Image of The Sun and Stars