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"Earth took her shining station as a star, In Heaven's dark hall, high up the crowd of worlds."
Philip James Bailey

Parent/Child Sun Signs

The Sun


This is a series of short introductory articles looking at some ways in which the influences of the various signs might manifest in a child and later on as a parent.


Image of Aries

Children born with the Sun-sign of Aries have a wonderful exuberance for life. They like to be involved in all the activities going on around them, and thrive in a busy environment. Being alive with energy, they exhibit a spontaneous desire for action and excitement. Nothing pleases them more than having a lively and varied schedule. Their capacity for activity needs plenty of expression, and so their time needs to be organised in order to expend it all. Sport, physical exercise and rough-and-tumble games are all usually enjoyed. These are freedom-loving children, and so they will particularly dislike restrictions being imposed upon them. However, like all youngsters, they sometimes need discipline and a firm hand. A fine balance is called for here, as being too strict could possibly lead to obstinacy or wilfulness.

Aries confers courage, independence and confidence. Both girls and boys of this sign might well resent assistance, preferring to learn by their own mistakes. The love of challenge is strong - Arien children need an opportunity to assert, test and prove themselves. They like to have a goal in mind, and want to excel and shine at everything they set out to do. Once they have an objective in mind, they like to push ahead - and they do have plenty of determination to succeed! However, they can loose interest after a while, as it is starting new schemes and projects that seems to fire their imagination the most. They may need encouragement to spend some time peacefully in order to recharge, because of their great enthusiasm and energy.

Patience is a quality which does not come easily to them - they want everything NOW. Arien children may not find school stimulating, and subjects which do not fire their imagination could give rise to daydreaming. It can be helpful to nurture any interest the child has and encourage his passions, perhaps by inspiring him towards challenges which spark his interest and curiosity. The competitive spirit is powerful even from a young age, and so this is something that can be appealed to. Occasionally, they may find loosing difficult - but setbacks usually serve to encourage greater concentration next time.

There can be an impulsive side to the Aries nature, and perhaps also a little rebellion. These are children who enjoy taking risks, pushing themselves to the limit, and testing their strength and fearlessness at every opportunity. They can be hasty and have a total disregard for danger, so do need close attention. This is the child who will attempt things that would daunt others, so keeping him out of physical danger without curbing this adventurous spirit has given the parents of the Arien child many a headache!

Any kind of pretence is disliked, and so these children will respond especially well to having things fully explained. When they are able to understand the reason for limits or rules they can then see the sense in them. This approach also helps when they seem only to be concerned with their own interests - at the expense of others perhaps. If this is pointed out in a kind and matter-of-fact manner, they usually accept it and, with some encouragement, soon learn to modify this behaviour.

Aries adults make enthusiastic mothers and fathers. Being a fire sign, it confers a great deal of warmth, kindness, and affection, so they make lively parents, joining in with their children's games and identifying with their problems. Through their capacity to treat their offspring as equals, and being able to talk through their concerns, they have usually built up a good rapport with them by the teenage years.

Perhaps one of the difficulties an Aries parent has to face is not to push their sons and daughters. In their enthusiasm and eagerness to see their child succeed, they can sometimes find it difficult to stand back and let them develop at their own rate. Having said this, they are fiercely protective and will not tolerate any criticism or censure of their children at all.

People born under this sign have vision and spirit, and so can wholeheartedly enter any project they undertake. When they have children in their care, they are usually passionately dedicated to them. They enjoy the many challenges that parenthood inevitably brings, and have an innate talent to cope with the ever-changing demands made upon them. They are direct in approach and have the capacity to come to the point, so are able to forge a mutually understanding bond with their children. Being alert to see and follow new trends, their approach to parenthood is original, innovative and exciting. This makes for a happy home and sets the way to becoming a much-loved and admired parent and mentor.

Image of The Sun and Stars