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"To the ancients, the Milky Way was a luminous river, the River of Heaven, the Silver Stream."
Lafcadio Hearn

Parent/Child Sun Signs

The Sun


This is a series of short introductory articles looking at some ways in which the influences of the various signs might manifest in a child and later on as a parent.


Image of Capricorn

Children born with the Sun-sign of Capricorn have a practical down-to-earth character. They like to work hard at everything they undertake. These resourceful little ones have the determination to succeed, and will take pride in doing a job well. They aim for steady and consistent progress and will tenaciously adhere to a goal they set themselves - working patiently and one-pointedly in order to achieve their aims. When they make their minds up to fulfil a certain ambition, they will do so, despite any initial setbacks. Capricorn children have an in-built sense of purpose and so need a sound reason for their actions. They take life seriously. Even as infants, their outlook is arrived at through deep and careful thought.

These children like to spend their time usefully, and so the games and activities they enjoy are likely to reflect this. As a regular routine and meticulous planning can be preferred, it is sometimes difficult for them to be carefree or spontaneous. Many are avid readers, and are far happier engrossed in an interesting, and often educational, book than out playing with their friends. They may need encouragement to take exercise. It is not that they are in any way idle or lazy - nothing could be further from the truth - it is just that they prefer more purposeful activities.

Vocational interests are important to Capricorn children. They are willing to put in hours of study as they know it will pay handsome dividends. Shortcuts are seldom tried. Success - academic or otherwise - is their goal. It is important to them to be self-reliant. They know their own mind, and these independent and cautious little souls like to do things for themselves, even though they may like to have firm guidelines to work within.

The Capricorn child can be very exacting. They set themselves extremely high personal standards, and maintaining them can become an overriding preoccupation. Discipline and diligence is seldom lacking, however they can sometimes give in to self- doubt and cries of "I'll never be able to......" is one of their oft-used phrases. They are very capable and proficient, but they do need constant reassurance that their efforts are appreciated and valued.

Youngsters here can be shy, and sometimes a little self-conscious. They are often extremely mature for their age - the proverbial old head on young shoulders in fact. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult for them to relate to their peers, and so team endeavours may not be enjoyed. With their natural respect for authority, they may prefer the company of older people even in their early years, and they may need encouragement to join in with others of their own age. As they can be quite earnest children, it can be very helpful to stimulate any interest they show in music, natural history, or outdoor pursuits, as it will help them to relax in both mind and body. They are however calm in difficult situations, and their comic observations and sense of humour will enamour them to all they come into contact with.

Capricorn adults make committed and loyal parents. They take responsibility seriously, and although they may be a little on the strict side, they earn the respect of their offspring. Organisation comes naturally to them, they like to plan for the future and make satisfactory provision for any possibilities that might arise. However, their outlook can be somewhat inflexible and so they may tend to impose many rules and dictates upon their children.

The main desire of the Capricorn parent is to give their offspring as good a life as possible. They are eager to provide them with the things they felt may have been lacking in their own childhood. As they work towards this aim, they may become preoccupied with their own affairs and careers - and although they may not be able to spend a great deal of time with their family, they have the best intentions at heart. They are eager for their sons and daughters to make good progress, and will encourage and back them in all their endeavours.

Capricorn parents are long-suffering and patient, and they will always be there for their children. Their forte is in encouraging them to aspire to better things. They will be happy to get involved in parent/teacher activities in their child's school. However, they really come into their own during the teenage years, when their wisdom and patience can help build up their child's confidence and self-assurance. Even though expressing overt affection may not come easily to them, they can and do bring a wonderful sense of humour into play in parenthood, and with a little conscious effort, they can ensure that their child's life is suffused with fun and praise.

Image of The Sun and Stars