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"It takes solitude under the stars for us to be reminded of our eternal origin and our far destiny."
Archibald Rutledge

Parent/Child Sun Signs

The Sun


This is a series of short introductory articles looking at some ways in which the influences of the various signs might manifest in a child and later on as a parent.


Image of Scorpio

Children born with the Sun-sign of Scorpio have great sensitivity. Even from an extremely young age, many have a discerning insight and perceptive skills that belie their tender years. These children need gentle understanding to bring out their finer qualities. It might not be easy for them to say what is going on in their minds - their feelings can have such an intensity they may need encouragement to fully express them. They dislike looking vulnerable, so at times of uncertainty they may withdrawal from people, or mask any inner tumult with an outer veneer of calm.

The Scorpio child is a highly imaginative little soul. For them to be happy and content, they need to be occupied with activities that truly interest them. Their motivation can readily be stimulated, and their drive and determination channelled into an activity they enjoy. They'll like to have a goal for which to aim, and once they have set their mind on a particular course, they'll work steadfastly towards it. Taking pride in their achievements comes naturally, and nothing will enhance their confidence and self-esteem more than a few well-chosen words of praise from their loved ones.

Scorpio bestows a love of the mysterious and so detective stories, tales of mystery and wonder or of chivalrous times gone by may capture their imagination. When young, keep the stories light-hearted, or these impressionable youngsters may be prone to nightmares. Regular quiet times during the day can help settle them if they become a little over-excited. This is also the sign of secret hidden things. Whilst not always an easy task, this quality can be positively developed and directed by taking an inventive and creative approach, perhaps by involving them in planning surprises and treats for others. Once they are inspired to use this attribute in such a thoughtful way, it should set them on the right course for the future.

These are children who have very definite likes and dislikes - no half-measures here! They are quite resistant to being told what to do, much preferring to follow their own dictates in their own time. It will take a great deal of ingenuity and persuasion to get them to do something they don't want to do without an ensuing rumpus. However, they do respond well to challenge, and if they feel that what they are being asked to do is worthwhile, they will comply. The trick is to gain the respect and esteem of these little ones, and they will respond accordingly - when they feel secure and content no child could be more delightful or charming.

Once a good rapport is established with other people, they will be able to relax and be themselves. Devotion can be developed to an incredibly high level, but there is one pitfall here that may have to be addressed from time to time, that is a possibility of jealousy. This is most likely to surface on occasions when they feel a little unsure or uncertain of themselves. One example might be at the birth of a younger brother or sister. If they can be carefully prepared for the forthcoming event, and included in the preparations and encouraged to help, then there is a good chance that any jealous feelings and reactions can be minimised or avoided altogether.

Scorpio adults make demanding but very committed parents. They may be a little on the strict side, but their intentions are of the highest order. They will tirelessly stand up for the rights of their offspring - even when their children might prefer to fight their own battles. They have strong positive ideas and might try to impose them on those in their care. They can be a little fixed in their opinions and this can at times make it difficult to give way to their children's requests or demands. It would be helpful if from time to time they could review their opinions, and perhaps make a deliberate effort to incorporate more modern and contemporary ideas. If they are unable to do this, then they run the risk of the gulf between them and their offspring ever increasing. Consciously developing their tolerance and sympathy will ensure that most problems are allayed successfully.

The Scorpio parent can be an exacting one, but they are also capable, loyal, inexhaustible and truthful - sometimes to the point of bluntness. They are nurturing and loving, and want their children to be energetic and fulfilled. They will keep their children busy with outings and visits as they enjoy being in their company. Their challenge is to learn to relax and put any unnecessary worries to one side so that their natural parenting skills have the opportunity to fully shine through.

Image of The Sun and Stars